Decor For Kids

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Messy Dresser Drawers? Lets get organized!

Keeping up with kids is not the easiest task. In fact, it’s the hardest but most rewarding experience I am experiencing. I posted this photo on Instagram, put out a poll and as you can see 61% voted ‘Yes’. It’s nice to know I’m not alone!



This is the aftermath of having my daughter put her clothes away and buying a few new pieces here and there. One of the chores that I have my kids do is put away their clean and folded laundry. Even though they put their clothes away, the result is not always perfect. But that’s ok, they are learning and as they get older, they will 1) Be in the habit of putting their clothes away 2) Eventually (hopefully)become neater at doing so.

Spring is approaching, and dresser drawers looking like this only means one thing…. It’s time to purge and get reorganized!

Here are some steps to get started:

1)  Take out everything out of the drawers

2)  Clean out the drawer. I like to use a dust cleaner such a pledge for a quick wipe down from any dust and in my case glitter that has accumulated. 

3)  Make 2 piles: We like to call them “Too Tight?” and “Just Right!”


The Too tight pile is put in large trash bags and are donated to a local charity. 

4) Hang all bulky Items



5)  Begin folding, I got this vertical folding idea from Pinterest.  Not only does folding vertically look neater, but you will be able to fit more shirts in the space and you will be able to see what is on the front of the shirt. 

6) Make categories in each drawer, for example this drawer is for tops only.  Also, my daughter decided to dedicate one side to long sleeves and the other for short sleeves.


This is the pants drawer. One side is for jeans and the other side is for leggings/active wear. 


7) Make a list! Now is a good time to note what items you need to purchase for the next season.

It’s such a great feeling to be organized after all that chaos! 

Dania Farhat
Decor For Kids